Keke Palmer Is Everybody’s Dream Girl Come To Life In Seductive ‘Dreamcatcher’ Video

Keke Palmer Is Everybody’s Dream Girl Come To Life In Seductive ‘Dreamcatcher’ Video


What if you went to sleep with Keke Palmer posters on your wall and woke up to her singing directly to you and you alone? That’s the fantasy at the heart of her latest video for “Dreamcatcher,” a Weird Science-inspired trip through desire and wish fulfillment.

The premise is simple: A young dude who loves to crush Surge and mess around on his computer ends up designing the Keke he wants in his life — and thanks to a freak electronics accident, he actually gets her. When she appears, glittering and glam and backlit by heavenly white heat, she’s already delivering the heart of the song’s message: “Make love to your dream girl / Really turns me on that you think of me.”

You can guess where it goes from there. Our hero doesn’t know if he’s really dreaming or if his visions of Keke are happening IRL, when they sing karaoke and play ’80s video games and, um, work up a sweat. By the time he wakes up, though, it’s clear that it was a good night, even if it was all in his head.

“Dreamcatcher” is Palmer’s latest single from her EP Virgo Tendencies, Pt. 1, which dropped in August, right before she anchored the 2020 VMAs as host. “Keep working hard, because hard work does pay off,” she told us a few months ago.

Watch Palmer’s hard work pay off in the “Dreamcatcher” video above.